Hope you are enjoying the quietness of the season and are starting to contemplate your dreams for the summer ahead. We are grateful for this time of rest and reflection on the farm. It is a time when we get to come back to center after a busy season and look back on what worked well, what we’d like to improve on, and set our own dreams of how we hope next summer will go. Usually our conversations all revolve around sustainability whether is be working towards making our farm as self-sustaining as possible from a farm input standpoint, to making sure our bodies and minds can sustain the rigors of our profession, to the ever looming need for economic sustainability.
These reflections coupled with a desire to collaborate more with like-minded farms has led us on a path to starting a horse-powered multi-farm CSA this year with other horse-powered farms in our area. We will be collaborating with 4 other horse-powered farms in Waldo County to bring you a season of vegetables that more than your belly can feel good about. In signing up for our horse powered CSA you should feel good about supporting a model of farming that is helping us all slow down to a more sustainable pace that can keep our society thriving generation after generation.
~Helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the food you consume
~Supporting family scale farm enterprises and helping to keep your dollars in the local economy.
~Truly supporting a movement to help Maine feed itself –from the food in your share to the fuel it takes to produce it.
Our horses are fed hay that they make themselves right here on our farm, and eat grain that is grown right here in Waldo county. Compare that to a gallon of diesel being shipped across the world to run a tractor
More could be said, b
ut as current shareholders I’m sure you all have your own reasons for being members of our farm community, and we hope the number one reason is that your love the high quality organic food we produce and the fair price we sell it to you for. The farms we have invited to join us have a proven track record of growing quality organic produce, so with the start of our multi-farm CSA you can be sure we will keep the same high standards as before. You share will look much like the shares in the past in quantity and quality, it will just come from a handful of farms instead of just us. You also will get updates from all participating farms so you will broaden the farm community you are a part of!
As the days grow longer we are already beginning to get our greenhouse ready or the first seedlings to start in a month! Supplies are being ordered and seeds are in the mail! Your support this winter is our “seed money” for germinating great crops and helps ensure we have the best season possible. Having shareholders signed up early allows us to focus our efforts on getting the season started and provides us with the security of knowing who will be enjoying our delicious produce in the months to come. Hope you sign up today!